Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Tamar Triple

Event 1 Tavistock Urban comments

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Planner's Comments

This event was another of those which was due to take place in 2020 but for obvious reasons could not go ahead at that time. Whilst much of the planning had been done, a good deal had to be re-visited and the postponement meant further negotiations were needed regarding access. The map inevitably required further updates; many thanks to Roger Hargreaves for all of his mapping work.

Thanks must go to Tavistock Town Council, for permission to use The Meadows, to access The Pannier Market and for overall support, and to Tavistock Primary School for enabling us to avoid the busy main road and for offering further interest to the later parts of each course. Particular thanks go to Tavistock College for providing the venue for the Start and Finish and ensuring everyone had to think carefully at the beginning and end of their course. (The College also, of course, were hugely helpful in supporting many aspects of the event organisation including car parking, toilets and space for registration etc.)

Most courses were able to incorporate a mixture of parkland, housing estates, school grounds and the older part of the town. Inevitably, the degree of climb within the town meant that only the longer courses could get up towards the viaduct.

On the day of the event runners on some courses were able to choose a route through some temporary fencing from the Primary School to the College. Prior to the event it had seemed that there was no way through at this point. As it was not clear who may have gained an advantage from this route it was decided to void the leg on those courses affected.

The legs that were voided were as follows:

Course 1 (MO) - 23 to 24

Course 2 (MV, WO) - 19 to 20

Course 3 (MSV, WV) - 17 to 18

Course 4 (MUV, WSV) - 15 to 16

Course 5 (MHV, WUV, WHV) - 17 to 18

Many thanks to Roger Hargreaves, as Controller, for guidance on a range of points and to Beth and Ky for all of their organizational tasks. I hope you enjoyed your run through the town.

Bryan Smith (Devon)

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Controller's (and Mapper) Comments

The map was last used on the 2014 Tamar Triple and was then the second event in one day which some competitors regarded as undue punishment.

Bryan Smith did an excellent job of keeping to the western half of the whole map and securing access to the Pannier Market for the first time. As he searched for controls he was able to point me to various map updates that were needed and with the use of StreetView most of the updates were carried out at home. It was on the controlling walk round that additional changes were identified and redrawn.

The College, Primary School and parkland provide excellent opportunities for the junior courses without fear of traffic conflict. Our concerns about conflict with Jubilee celebrations were unfounded as we heard nothing.

Regarding the need to remove legs from courses 1-5; the potential problem was identified by a competitor who thought that she should be DSQ'd as she had crossed a fence marked as impassable - further investigation revealed others were using this route. Consequently, the fairest thing to do was to remove the legs.

I had some supportive, constructive comments on the map although I suspect that in a further 8 years time it will not be me who provides the map!

Lastly, again thanks to Beth and Ky for their enthusiasm, Bryan for his courses (well received from what I heard) assisted by Sean Wolstenholme for control roll-out, for the DEVON team looking after the start and the control collectors. Not forgetting Elsie, who assisted with the control checks on the day.

Roger Hargreaves (Kerno)

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Organiser's Comments

What a glorious day in Tavistock - the sun shone brightly on the town, as 160+ participants from near and far navigated a fantastic set of courses around the streets and parks of Tavistock.

After a slightly frantic start to the day requiring some shuffling around of cars, traders and reallocation of the available space, the event proceeded with little hiccup and all starters made it back without incident to download well before the planned course closure time. My apologies to any competitors who found some of the signage a little lacking/the route to the start a little unclear due to the reshuffle.

My thanks to Bryan for planning and sorting most of the access prior to us even being on the scene; and to Roger as controller and coordinator, for providing some much needed advice and guidance. The event couldn't have happened without the superb contingent of volunteers from Devon, who all put in a lot of hard work and long shifts on the day to ensure everything went as smoothly as possible. Thanks also to Tavistock College for use of their site, sorting most of the logistical issues facing organisers by providing ample parking, a download area, toilets and even showers that were too hot!

Finally, thanks to everyone who came to the event and ran the courses - I hope you enjoyed them and didn't get too sunburned!

Beth Woodley & Ky Aizawa (Devon)

Event 2 Leskernick Long comments

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Planner's Comments

Will Hancock (Kerno)

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Controller's Comments

Steve Robertson (QO)

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Organiser's Comments

Ivor Marshall (Kerno)

Event 3 Mt Edgcumbe Middle Comments

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Planner's Comments

I have planned events at Mount Edgcumbe many times, and this time wished to find locations never before used for control sites. I found one for control 232 (southern source) on the Brown and Blue. Never having planned there for June, what I did not realize was how much the vegetation would grow in the two months since tagging the sites. Had I done so, I might not have used 232 or 233. Both were relatively easy to access in March, but yesterday competitors (especially early runners) had to struggle to reach them.

Control 238 was placed about 5 metres out of position, nearer to a rootstock than the bench where it should have been. We should have identified and corrected this error, for which we apologize. The relevant legs have been voided.

Apart from these difficulties, the planning and execution went very well. I thank Andy, Graham and Annabel, and all volunteers who collected controls.

Ken George (Kerno)

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Controller's Comments

Andy Reynolds (Devon)

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Organiser's Comments

Annabel & Graham Pring (Kerno)