Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Tamar Triple

Latest update

14/06/22 - More officials' comments added.

07/06/22 - Final results available on results 2022 page.

02/06/22 - Information re Sat Nav and Tavistock College postcode. See Day 1 details.

31/05/22 - Links to start lists for Days 2 & 3 added. Final details Day 3 available as pdf downloads.

29/05/22 - Link to start list for Day 1 added.

28/05/22 - Minor corrections to Day 3 details. There will be no parking fees.

26/05/22 - Final details for Day 1 & Day 2 available as pdf downloads.

25/05/22 - Final details for Day 2 Leskernick added.

19/05/22 - NOTE: Entries close midnight Friday 20th May.

17/05/22 - Final course details for Day 3 Mt Edgcumbe added.

Notes for all 3 days

Start Lists

Start lists for the 3 days can be found via the following links.

Day 1 Tavistock via THIS LINK.

Day 2 Leskernick via THIS LINK.

Day 3 Mt Edgcumbe via THIS LINK.


SI will be used for all courses. Traditional dibbers are available for hire at £ 1 per competitor per day for one or more days and can be collected from the Registration tent in the assembly area on each day. (Lost dibber fee £ 30)

The controls will be SIAC-enabled. Clear boxes and SIAC Battery Test boxes will be located at each pre-Start.

Start and Finish controls are NOT SIAC-enabled. In other words, ALL competitors must punch at the Start and Finish.

Please do not forget to download after your run, back in the Assembly field.



This link will take you to Fabian website


British & Continental Catering have been invited for days 1 & 2.


Portable toilets provided by Andyloos. Changing facilities will be available at the Tavistock event


Individual splits will be available at Download. Course results will be displayed and updated from time to time in the assembly area each day. We will try to publish results on the Tamar Triple website duting the evening each day.


Complaints should be made either orally or in writing to the organiser at the enquires tent before the close of courses each day. The organiser is the adjudicator of a complaint. A protest can be made against the OrganiserÕs decision in writing to the Controller. Protest and appeals will be handled under the 2020 British Orienteering Rules.

Day 1 Tavistock Urban

Directions - Extra note

It appears that some Sat Nav systems do not recognise the Tavistock College post code PL19 8DD.

Please look out for the Tavistock College signs, Orienteering signs and use the postal address which is Crowndale Road, Tavistock.

Start Time List

The list of competitors' start times can be seen via THIS LINK.

Final Details

You can download a pdf of the final details for Day 1. TT2022Tavistock Urban event details.


Organisers: Beth Woodley & Ky Aizawa (Devon)

Planner: Bryan Smith (Devon)

Controller: Roger Hargreaves (Kerno)


Tavistock is an ancient and attractive market town. The town rises steeply away from the north and south side of the River Tavy, beyond the older, central, part of the town towards a range of older and newer housing areas. The Tavistock Canal, the River Tavy and an old railway line, now used as a multi-use trail, all run approximately south-west /north-east.

The town is centred on the paved amenity of Bedford Square, around which are found St. Eustachius' Church and the Abbey ruins, to the west, the Grade 2-listed Town Hall, the disused former Guildhall/magistrates' court buildings, and Pannier Market buildings behind the Town Hall. Abbey Bridge crosses the River Tavy to the south, while West Street and Duke Street, on either side of the north end of the square, form the main shopping areas, with the indoor [Pannier] market running behind Duke Street.

Plymouth Road, the A386 heading west from the centre of the square, is home to much of the town's tourist trade, with many hotels and bed and breakfast establishments, as well as the town's bus station. Between Plymouth Road and the Tavy is the park, known locally as the Meadows, along with car parks, the Wharf theatre, cinema and culture centre, and a public recreation pool. West of the Meadows are found the substantial playing fields and buildings of Tavistock College, reached by an underpass below the A386. Further south along the Plymouth Road/A386 lie industrial estates, supermarkets and other large retail outlets. To the north and east of town lies Whitchurch Down, where Dartmoor begins immediately.

(With acknowledgement to Wikipedia)


The event centre will be at Tavistock College, Crowndale Road, Tavistock, PL19 8DD.

what3words food.tens.think


Course Men's Classes Women's Classes Length (km) Climb (m)
1 Men's Open (M18-35) 8.3 160
2 Veteran Men (M40+) Women's Open (W18-35) 7.1 150
3 Super Veteran Men (M55+) Veteran Women (W40+) 5.3 125
4 Ultra Veteran Men (M65+) Super veteran Women (W55+) 4.2 80
5 Hyper Veteran Men (M75+) Ultra Veteran Women (W65+), Hyper Veteran Women (W75+) 3.5 35
6 Junior Men (M16-) Junior Women (W16-) 4.0 40
7 Young Junior Men (M12-) Young Junior Women (W12-) 2.5 20

* The length of each course is based on the shortest route a competitor might reasonably take.

* All details are subject to final controlling

* The event forms part of the Southern England Orienteering Urban League (SEOUL).

* The map is drawn to a scale of 1:5000. (See extract from 2014 event).

* Contour intervals are 2.5 metres.

* The map is not ISSOM 2017, but has been revised from the 2014 version.

* As is usual within urban orienteering, all courses, with the exception of Course 7, may experience vehicle traffic and competitors must take care, for their own safety and that of other road users.

* Where there is the option to use a crossing point, e.g. zebra crossing, competitors are encouraged to do so.

* Courses 1 and 2 have one pair of timed-out crossing points with controls on either side of the crossing. This is a pedestrian signalled crossing and two minutes will be allowed to cross.

* Competitors on Course 6 may come across traffic on minor roads within a housing estate.

* A number of courses will use an underpass, under the A386. To emphasize the need to use the underpass, the road above is shown as an uncrossable boundary.

* All courses may cross the Tavistock Canal or the River Tavy. For safety reasons, the canal and river must only be crossed by one of the many bridges.

* There may be the option on some of the longer courses to cross the substantial old railway viaduct in the town. The map shows the viaduct in place. For clarity, in the top left hand corner of the map, an extract shows the same area with the viaduct removed, showing potential passage beneath the viaduct.

* Please be considerate and aware of pedestrians and members of the public. In particular, be cautious in congested or constricted areas of the town and when turning blind corners.

Start times and Course closure

* Courses 1, 2, and 3 will start on even minutes; Courses 4, 5, 6 and 7 will start on odd minutess.

* First starts are 12.00

* Final starts are 14.30

* Courses close at 16.30.

Map symbols

All competitors should familiarise themselves with the map symbols used for sprint and urban orienteering events.

In particular, for reasons of safety, good relationships with landowners and event fairness, competitors should be familiar with the symbols for:

* Impassable wall (Forbidden to cross)

* Impassable fence or railing (Forbidden to cross)

* Building (Forbidden to cross or enter)

* Area with forbidden access (olive green shading)

* Uncrossable boundary

* Out of bounds

Map extract

Key safety points for competitors.

All courses:

There will be Jubilee events taking place in the town during the event so please take extra care to avoid pedestrians, particularly in congested or constricted areas and when turning blind corners.

Take care crossing roads. Where there is the option to use a crossing point, e.g. zebra crossing, please do so.

The competition map shows where the main road (A386) must not be crossed; use the underpass instead.

The standard map legend shows areas and features you must not cross; please respect this.

Only cross the canal or the river at recognized bridges.

Courses 1, 2 and 3

For clarity, the map includes an extract with the viaduct showing as removed.

Courses 1 and 2:

There is a 2 minute timed out crossing on each course. Runners should take no more time than is reasonably necessary to cross safely at this point.


Dogs on lead throughout the assembly area.

NO dogs on courses.

Day 2 Leskernick Hill - Long Distance

A newly-mapped area of Bodmin Moor near the source of the River Fowey.

This will be a Level B event.

Start List

The start list can be seen via THIS LINK.

Final Details

You can download a pdf of the final details for Day 2. TT2022 Leskernick event details.


Organisers: Ivor Marshall(Kerno)

Planner: Will Hancock (Kerno)

Controller: Steve Robertson (QO)

General enquiries

General enquiries may be made to the Organiser: Ivor Marshall 07733 103281 or via the contact page of the Kerno website.


Photo of summit of Leskernick Hill courtesy of Rod Allday

West Moor lies in the shadow of the highest peak in Kernow, Brown Willy. But this is no beastly moor with perhaps the jewel in its crown being Leskernick Hill. Leskernick at 329m is notable for its density of archaeological remains and has panoramic views of most of Bodmin Moor. The hill itself has been newly mapped for Tamar Triple 2020 and it is anticipated that all the technical courses will enable competitors to fully appreciate it.

Away from the hill itself the surrounding granite moorland is also very runnable and is a living history of the past 3000 years. There are further archaeological remains including standing stones, peat burning platforms and hut circles. Moving slightly further ahead into more recent times there are also very obvious traces of open cast tin mining (think gullies and re-entrants!) together with a Second World War Tungsten mine that the longer courses will visit. Given the proximity to the Atlantic and the elevation it goes without saying there are areas of bog and associated 'water features' including the source of the River Fowey! We are indebted to the Farmers and Commoners for permitting our access into this very special part of our Cornish Moor - so come see it for yourself.

After your run why not seek sustenance at Daphne Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn just to the west? Or visit Trewint just to the east where Wesley lodged Methodism firmly in Cornwall. Or venture slightly to the north into Arthur Boyt country to visit the wartime airfield at Davidstow with not one but two museums dedicated to the RAF Operations there. Definitely worth a trip west in May!


The area lies about 9 miles west of Launceston, on the north side of the A30.

Parking will be in a field adjacent to the A30. Postcode for the site is PL15 7TD.

It will be signed off the A30 via a slip road and farm track.

The following maps show the location and the access and exit routes. Traffic on the dual carriageway tends to be fast on this section. Please take care when leaving and joining the A30.


Based on the 2012-2015 map of Davidstow Moor by Will Hancock and SUTMAP. The map has been updated in 2019 by Ben Mitchell to include Leskernick Hill, with recent selective enhancements for the 2022 event. All courses will use a 1:10000 map with 5 m contours. Printed on Waterproof Paper at A3 with Control Descriptions, Course and Legend overlaid.

Map symbols are standard ISOM with the exception of the circle symbol used to denote Ancient Hut Circles Š the black circles on the extract below.

Control descriptions

All courses from Light Green to Black will have pictorial descriptions printed on the map. The Orange course will have both pictorial and written descriptions printed on the map. The Yellow course will have written descriptions printed on the map.

Loose descriptions will be available in the start lanes.


There are nine Colour coded courses; Yellow to Black. Owing to the terrain it has not been possible to prepare a White Course.

The table below maps Age Classes to each course, course lengths and climb.

(Please note that the Black course will depend on having sufficient entries. Otherwise M21 will run Brown.)

Course Length Climb
Black M21 12.7 280
Brown M18 M20 M35 M40 M45 W21 11.1 245
Blue M16 M50 M55 M60 W18 W20 W35 W40 W45 7.6 165
Green M65 M70 W16 W50 W55 W60 5.7 140
Short Green M75 M80 M85 W65 W70 4.2 65
Very Short Green W75 W80 W85 3.2 40
Light Green M14 W14 4.8 60
Orange M12 W12 4.2 35
Yellow M10 W10 2.8 30


Competitors travelling alone may wish to hand in car keys at Enquiries. Competitors are reminded that the sport can be hazardous and that they run at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. A whistle is compulsory. An advisory to carry a Mobile Phone and the compulsory wearing of Cagoules will be advised in the Assembly field should conditions dictate, particularly bearing in mind the open and exposed nature of Bodmin Moor, potentially even in June!

The area is remote in nature and little visited by the general public. As might be expected there are local residents in the form of cattle and sheep. Whilst the cattle are long horned and fearsome looking they are generally docile in nature! Competitors should be aware for the potential of ticks and make checks on return from the competition area.

Being a moorland area water related features are guaranteed! Some are more ephemeral than others. The courses have been planned to avoid the worst of these, but as ever not all route choices can be foreseen, so take care when traversing them. The moorland area is generally grassy in nature but does contain some steep slopes, particularly into the historical tin streaming areas and rock/boulder fields. Care should be taken throughout.

The event takes place under the most recent British Orienteering COVID guidelines. Competitors are reminded that they should NOT attend the event if exhibiting any COVID like symptoms and a full refund will be offered in the event of this. Whilst at the event competitors should respect the space of others particularly whilst downloading and at the start.

First Aid

First Aid will be located at Enquiries in the Assembly area and will be manned by club members.


Start times 1100 - 1330.

The start will be accessed via a taped route from the Car Park and is approximately 1 km away. Given the remote and exposed nature of the start (scenic views!) we will provide a Clothes Dump.

The walk is hilly with around 70 m of climb so allow 30 minutes.

Competitors on the Yellow course will collect their map from the Assembly Tent.


On completion of your course the walk back to the Car Park will be via the outward route to the start.

Total distance will be 1.5 - 2 km. This will involve approx 60 m of climb and will be via the Clothes Dump.

Course Closing Time

Courses close at 1530.

Water points

It is not proposed to provide water points on the courses or at download. Please come prepared.


Dogs on lead throughout the assembly area.

NO dogs on courses. (There are grazing animals.)

Day 3 Mt Edgcumbe - Middle Distance

Start List

The start list can be seen via THIS LINK.

Final Details

You can download a pdf of the final details for Day 3. TT2022 Mt Edgcumbe event details.


Mt Edgcumbe is a country park offering stunning views over Plymouth Sound and the Lower Tamar Valley.

Details of what the park offers can be found on the Mt Edgcumbe website

The area is very popular with visitors, particulary on holiday weekends, and competitors are asked to be considerate and respectful of members of the public using the park


Organisers: Annabel & Graham Pring (Kerno)

Planner: Ken George (Kerno)

Controller: Andy Reynolds (Devon)


Mt Edgcumbe is well signposted by brown tourist signs.

From Plymouth either via the Torpoint ferry onto the Rame peninsula or over the Saltash bridge and via Trerulefoot roundabout on the A38

Note that the route goes through the village of Millbrook which contains a short section of single file road.

It is also possible to reach Mt Edgcumbe as a pedestrian via ferry services from Plymouth.

The event will be signed at SX443519.Nearest postcode PL10 1HR.


Parking and assembly will be on a level area of the park, (what3words: moss.songs.flows) adjoining the car park next to Maker Church.


The map scale for all courses will be 1:10,000.

Start times and Course closure

* First starts are 10.30

* Final starts are 13.00

* Courses close at 15.00.


This will be a colour coded event White to Brown, including a Very Short Green.

Course Length (km) Climb (m) Controls
Brown 5.7 285 20
Blue 4.2 195 16
Green 4.0 150 13
Short Green 3.2 90 12
Very Short Green 2.6 60 10
Light Green 3.0 90 12
Orange 1.9 20 7
Yellow 2.1 50 9
White 1.6 15 8


Dogs on lead throughout the assembly area.

NO dogs on courses. (There are grazing animals.)