Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Tamar Triple

2022 results

Thank you all for coming and making the Tamar Triple 2022 such a success.

The provisional results for all events can be found via the links below.

Here is a link to Routegadget

Event Co-ordinator's Comments

The Tamar Triple runs on a two year cycle with Springtime in Shropshire. On a four year cycle DEVON and KERNO take the lead in organisation - this year was KERNO's turn and I took on the role of Coordinator. It has become more difficult to find venues which will give permission for orienteering events. All forestry in the SW is winter only usage and many of the moorland areas are under control of organisations that do not see orienteering as a pastime they want to see in the summer.

One of our first choices was withdrawn over concern for ground nesting birds. A return to Tavistock was agreed and the new area on Bodmin Moor (a SSSI) had to go through the rigours of Natural England although after verification of relevant land owner's permissions - not always easy when reliant on the internet and email - unconditional approval was given at the end of March. Mt Edgcumbe was a fall-back choice after the withdrawal of Hardhead Downs.

Then we needed officials! Both clubs (KERNO small, DEVON large) suffer from a shortage of volunteers to take on the roles required so a certain amount of persuasion came into play. Tavistock's organisers were new on the job and were quick learners and we were grateful for the cooperation of the local authorities, College and Primary School. Old hands fell into place for days 2 and 3. For all days there was reliance on the senior/ultra veterans of each club.

The weather; absolutely no control! So we had glorious sun, then wind and torrential rain which delayed the start on Day 2 as well as a mild, sunny day by the seaside. Ken George has alluded to the effects of the sun and rain with growth as high as an elephants eye on day 3.

Lastly, I have to thank Elsie Hargreaves who provided support, advice and a second pair of eyes on all the days involved in TT2022.

Roger Hargeaves - Kerno

Event 1 Results

The results for the Tavistock Urban event can be found here:

Event 1


Planner's Comments

Controller's Comments

Organiser's Comments

Event 2 Results

The results for the Leskernick Long event can be found here:

Event 2


Event 3 Results

Note: Following a formal complaint the results for Blue and Brown have been revised.

The results for the Mt Edgcumbe middle distance event can be found here:

Event 3


Planner's Comments